Rule of 72 Explained | Double Your Money in 5 Years or Less

Have you ever found yourself day dreaming about buying a new boat, or maybe getting some plastic surgery, or getting some … ah servants? Well I’ve got some good news for you, today I’m going to help you achieve those noble goals by answering one of the world’s most important questions? How can you double my money in 5 years?

So if you wanna impress your friends and win dates with hot chicks then grab those Trojan minis and get ready to learn a trick that’s sure to drop those panties at your next Pokemon convention!


By far the most common question I get asked when it comes to money is this? What’s you favorite stock right now? I usually tell them that my Out-Of-The-Money SPY weeklies are literally free money and then when their eyes glaze over and the awkward pause has finished, I’ll ask them what’s the real problem they are wanting to solve. I’ll usually get a response like, I want to double my money fast. I have x thousand dollars and I want to put my money to work.


As it turns out understanding how to double your money isn’t rocket surgery. Anyone can do it using a renaissance era formula called THE RULE OF 72. There are two simple formulas that you want to remember.

How much interest do I need to earn to double my money?

(72 / Number of Years) = Amount of Interest Needed

So for example, assuming you have a five year timeline then the calculation is:

(72/5) = 14.4%

You need to earn 14.4% interest every year for five years to double your money.

How many years will it take to double my money given a specific interest rate?

(72 * Annual Interest Rate) = Number of Year to Double

If you found an investment that offered a 10% rate of return then you could apply that return to this formula to figure out how long it will take to double your money.

(72 * 0.10) = 7.2 Years

In the above scenario, if you earned a 10% rate of return each year then it would take 7.2 years for your investment to double in value.


Okay so lets apply this logic to a practical scenario..

So lets say that your penis enlargement surgery is gonna cost $20,000 and its really important to you that you have an over-sized ding-dong in five years time. The trouble is that you’ve only been able to save around $10,000 from your GameStop hourly wages so you’re gonna need to double your money.

You would divide 72/5 and you would discover that you need to earn 14.4% annually to achieve the goal.


How could we have earned at least a 14.4% return over the previous five years? I reviewed the returns of five popular exchange traded funds (ETFs) to see which would have succeeded and which wouldn’t have.

Turns out the NASDAQ 100 Index, ticker symbol QQQ, The Momentum ETF ticker symbol MTUM, and the Vanguard Technology Sector Index ticker symbol VGT all doubled our money over the past 5 years. VGT got the best return with the NASDAQ index only a few thousand dollars behind.

Surprisingly to me, neither gold nor the S&P 500 doubled our investment from 2015 to 2020. The S&P 500 came close but missed by $3,000. As for gold, well gold put in a sorry showing appreciating by just $3000 over that 5 year time-span.


So what have we learned today. We learned that its actually quite easy to double your money over a five year time span if you are investing during a historic bull-market. Never forget that in the late 1990’s investors got so used to getting 20%+ returns that they began to plan their futures based on unreasonably enormous returns. These returns aren’t typical so whenever you invest money you should strive to do it in as safe a way as possible based on your goals and risk tolerance.

As for the cosmetic surgery, there’s nothing wrong with your body and if anyone tries to tell you otherwise then they are the one with the actual problem, not you.


Rule of 72


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